The GT75 Titan is the first gaming laptop to ever feature Intel Core i9 processors with fully unlocked hexa-core performance. “Powered by Windows 10 and Intel’s 8th generation processors, these gaming rigs provide the advanced, immersive experiences gamers seek. 'We're excited to support MSI with the launch of its new line of gaming PCs,” said Paul Donovan, Vice President, Partner Devices and Solutions, Microsoft. Together with the NVIDIA SLI graphics and mechanical keyboards, the new GT series pushes performance beyond the limit and offers uncompromising desktop gaming experience for the pro gamers. With the introduction of the latest 8th Gen Intel processors, the GT series takes one step further by featuring the world’s 1st Core i9 overclocked processors. Taipei, Taiwan (April 3 rd, 2018) MSI, the world's No.1 gaming brand, revealed the latest generation of its flagship lineup GT series. , First-ever overclocked hexa-core performance with mechanical keyboards for true desktop experience on the go.