It also accommodates a wide range of research methods.
The software allows users to classify, sort and arrange thousands of pieces of information. NVivo helps researchers to organize and analyze complex textual and multimedia data. The software can be downloaded for a 14-day trial period from A student licence can be purchased from IT Services. NVivo is a qualitative data analysis package from QSR International. No prerequisite knowledge of NVivo™ is required. The workshop covers the key steps involved in qualitative data analysis using QSR NVivo™ starting with data types and the creation of an NVivo™ project, the uploading of data, data coding, code categorizations, query building and interpretation of output from queries. NVivo™ supports a range of inductive and deductive methods for qualitative data analysis such as thematic and content analysis, within and cross-case analysis and many more. NVivo™ is a software application that simplifies qualitative data analysis, supporting text, multimedia, pictures, and PDFs open-ended surveys from Excel and Survey Monkey among the many more data formats. Qualitative data analysis can be a very daunting task without the help of any analysis software. Tutor: Dr Emanuel Said - Dean - Faculty of Economics, Management & Accountancy
Introduction to NVivo for Qualitative Data Analysis